Our Advisory Board Directory is a reliable resource to find companies that match your area of expertise. Companies are actively looking for a diverse range of expertise, and our directory has the information you need to make the right connection.
We have two types of Advisory Boards available for you to join.
When searching in the board directory, you can filter your search by industry or skills. Alternatively, you can use a keyword search if you don't see a skill or industry that you're interested in.
💡Tip: When searching in the directory, use one of the search tools at a time. Using filters and keyword searches simultaneously can lead to narrow results, and potential matches may not appear. The best approach is to use your transferable skills in the keyword search.
It's important to keep in mind that you shouldn't limit yourself to any one industry. Gain insight into each company's background and the skills they require from advisors by visiting their overview page.
The top section of the Overview Page includes details about the size of the company, the industry it operates in, and its main value proposition. Additionally, you can view the Leadership Team and the specific skills they are seeking in their advisors.
💡TIP: You don't have to possess ALL of the skills listed to qualify as an Advisor for this company. If you have at least 1-2 of the skills they are looking for and are interested in the company's mission, it's worth considering joining!
You can also gain insight into the boardroom, where you can learn about the latest challenges or developments. This additional context can help you make a decision if you're still unsure.
Some companies offer added benefits such as cash compensation, equity-based arrangements, or formal roles depending on their specific needs.
If the company is scheduling a board meeting, you can check the date at the top to ensure there are no conflicts before joining the advisory board.
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